New Zealand
Rolls-Royce & Bentley Club
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The New Zealand Rolls-Royce & Bentley Club covers all of New Zealand, with the club organised around three Regions, two in the North Island (Northern & Central) and one in the South Island (Southern). Regional events and activities of the Club are managed by the committee of each Region.
Total membership is currently around 180 members, so while we are not a large club, we do have a wide range of Rolls Royce and Bentley enthusiastic car owners spread throughout New Zealand.
We publish six magazines each year, these full colour large format publications contain a variety of interesting articles about our cars, our members and the Rolls-Royce and Bentley car companies. You can see a recent magazine here: Issue 1-21
Membership is open to all and does not require the ownership of a Rolls-Royce or Bentley. Come to one of our events and look us over. We think you will find us to be a friendly and inviting Club.
Membership fees are $115 per year with a registration fee when joining of $10. A members name badge is also available when joining for a one off fee of $15. You can complete an online membership application form "here" or down load a PDF to print out a paper copy if you prefer "here". which will be sent to our membership secretary who will be in contact with you.
There is also an active FaceBook page for the club, you can access this by clicking on the FB logo & here
In 2023 we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the club [all be it a year late due to COVID] and you can view the 50th Anniversary Rally Route Book here: 50th Anniversary Route Book
The two paintings were auctioned during the Rally and both comfortably exceeded their reserves and the artist most generously donated 20% of the sale proceeds to the Cyclone Gabrielle Disaster Relief fund.

The NZRR&BC publishes a bi-monthly magazine containing a wealth of general and technical information and reports of regional and national events. Also we include from time to time, articles on different aspects of the history of the Rolls-Royce and Bentley companies, and these give members, new and old, an insight into the traditions that have become part of the ethos of the worlds that C.S. Rolls, F.H. Royce and W.O. Bentley created.
You can see a recent magazine here: Issue 1-21
We welcome new and potential members to our regular club meetings and events, which are organised around three Regions, based in Auckland [Northern], Wellington [Central] and Christchurch [Southern].
We also hold a National Rally which includes the Annual General Meeting. Members are advised of these through the magazine, through this website and often by a regional newsletter.
For a full list of future events and details, please go to the Club Events page.
The club Technical Liaison Officer can assist on all things Rolls-Royce and Bentley.
We maintain excellent technical libraries in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch which include Parts Lists and Workshop Manuals for all post-war and most pre-war models, along with some specialist tools.
You can access these here
A selection of some of our members cars